Jessica Hamilton

Collected Notes

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Building UEFI Serial Driver

This is a quick run-down of how to build the FTDI compatible USB serial driver for UEFI with Ubuntu.

Most of this comes from the edk2 instructions.

sudo apt-get install iasl uuid-dev gcc-5
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
cd edk2
make -C BaseTools
sed -i -e 's;IA32;X64;g' Conf/target.txt
sed -i -e 's;Nt32Pkg/Nt32Pkg.dsc;OptionRomPkg/OptionRomPkg.dsc;g' Conf/target.txt
sed -i -e 's;MYTOOLS;GCC5;g' Conf/target.txt
find -name '*.efi' | grep -e Ftdi